So I've been in Michigan for over a month now. Here are some things I've accomplished:
Obtain the best part time job! (Babysitting for 2 boys, 9 and 6).
Take a few trips back to Ohio.
Begun planning for a mission trip over Christmas break.
Lots of homework--and with consistently good grades!
Joined inter-mural Volleyball and Basketball.
And been recruited to run a 10K for the field day competition against the other campus.
Acquired some new friends/room-mates who make life much more interesting!
Attended a Baptist Church here a couple times and really enjoyed it. I've also been able to visit my church in Ohio a few weekends which always makes me incredibly happy! :)
I'm enjoying all that I've been learning. It makes me wonder how different my time at college would've been had I had the opportunity to learn what I'm learning now along with all the different worldviews that were presented to me. It makes me even more thankful for the friends and mentors I met through Campus Crusade for Christ at LCCC and Cleveland State that helped me grow more in my faith while there. I'm confident that what I'm learning now will revolutionize my Bible Study habits, worldview...not to mention my LIFE!
Take a few trips back to Ohio.
Begun planning for a mission trip over Christmas break.
Lots of homework--and with consistently good grades!
Joined inter-mural Volleyball and Basketball.
And been recruited to run a 10K for the field day competition against the other campus.
Acquired some new friends/room-mates who make life much more interesting!
Attended a Baptist Church here a couple times and really enjoyed it. I've also been able to visit my church in Ohio a few weekends which always makes me incredibly happy! :)
I'm enjoying all that I've been learning. It makes me wonder how different my time at college would've been had I had the opportunity to learn what I'm learning now along with all the different worldviews that were presented to me. It makes me even more thankful for the friends and mentors I met through Campus Crusade for Christ at LCCC and Cleveland State that helped me grow more in my faith while there. I'm confident that what I'm learning now will revolutionize my Bible Study habits, worldview...not to mention my LIFE!
Well, tomorrow's Friday and we have a fun weekend planned. Taking three of my roomates back to Ohio for some good country fall fun! :)