Monday, May 6, 2019

The enemy of gratitude and contentment...

I've been enjoying listening to some sessions from The Gospel Coalition 2019 National Conference . One of my favourites so far has been by Trip Lee called Faith and Healing. (If you have 48.28 minutes, WATCH IT!) I can't get some of the things he said out of my head. So I'll put it here, in case it's as challenging for you in your growth as it has been for me this past week.
He was talking about the Centurion in Matthew 8, and how he humbly approached Jesus asking Him to heal his daughter. And he said this:
"We can be tempted to think that the opposite of gratitude is silence [not saying thank you], 
but the opposite of gratitude isn't silence; it's entitlement.  
And that entitlement is the enemy of contentment. 
We will struggle with gratitude and contentment [until] we understand that everything we have is a gift from Jesus". 
And that's a really big problem for me sometimes. I get jealous, or feel sorry for myself or think that I somehow deserve...whatever it is that I want. But really when I realise who I am and who God is it becomes abundantly clear that I don't deserve all the good things that I want...nor did I deserve all the good things I was given. It's a GIFT from a perfect God to a lowly sinner and that makes it all that much more wonderful.  So these days I really am making a conscious effort to see God's hand in everything and truly be grateful. And I find that I'm so much happier when I look at it that way. (As it should be).