Sunday, January 27, 2008

One day at a time

Well I DID get my VISA for those who don't know. Yay!! It came via courier mail so I didn't even have to go all the way back to Houston.
I finished up at work last Saturday. :( Sad day.
I managed to pack my life for a year into two suitcases and two carry-ons. I am so proud! And they even made weight-'though the carry ons just might be almost as heavy as the checked bags!!
Then I said goodbye to my amazing family. I think I probably have no real grasp on going a whole year without my family!! But I know that if God tells me to do something He'll give me the strength to do it, even if it means bringing me through homesickness.
I was blessed with the opportunity to make it back to Ohio for a very brief stay to tie up some loose ends and visit some dear friends and family. I even got to go to church!! I was quite happy about that! And I saw snow. I never thought I'd be so happy to see that. And I think Ohio's not soo cold as I used to think...or else I just came at a good time! (I might try to put some pictures up for you Texas folks!)
Then I said goodbye to the rest of my family and my house--which will never be mine again. It was a good house.
My flight left from Cleveland at 3:34 today. I was then supposed to fly into Philadelphia and from there get a flight to Chicago which would arrive at 7:30 p.m. local time. However once in Philadelphia the plane had some technical difficulties. So we hung around for two hours, then they canceled the flight. Soooo....I am now in a hotel in New Jersey for the night. i fly out tomorrow morning at 7:30 a.m. and should arrive in Chicago at 9:05 for my missionary training. I leave for Bolivia on FRIDAY!!! Cool! I cannot believe how fast time flies!!
Thanks to all of you who so faithfully pray! I am so humbled to know that people are lifting me up to the Most High God. That explains why I feel so at peace. God is sooo good!
Good night everyone.

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