Saturday, February 6, 2010

One Word

On the radio a few weeks back the DJs were talking about picking just one word to summarize your new year. So I took a few days to think about one thing that would really revolutionize my year and I'm finally getting around to writing about it. So here it is...


This is applicable to all areas of life, and a healthy dose of it will do us all some good. I promise. Be it exercise, eating habits, spending time with God, loving others, keeping commitments, doing our best at our jobs, or time management...well actually the list goes on and on... and on. But you get the point.

Paul repeatedly urged the church throughout the New Testament to "Walk in a manner worthy of the LORD". This is our responsibility as Christians. Erwin McManus, in his book called "Soul Cravings", said "To be good Christians, we cannot live thoughtless lives". There are a lot of us who are easily convinced that we can live just like everyone else, and still be a follower of Christ. I beg to differ. We are called to be different, to be set apart. Our culture is one that glorifies instant gratification, and doing what's easy and fun. Discipline is not fun, it's not easy, and it's not for the self-sufficient--because we cannot do it alone. But God promises to be our strength when we are weak. Let's live differently. Let's be intentional about our days and how we choose to spend our time. Forget about what those around us dictate, we have one person to please, and He's the one we will answer to someday for how we treated those around us, what we allowed into our lives, and how we used the time we were given.

I'm struggling through this myself, however the bottom line is this: I really want to be a woman who strove to give this life the best she had.

So think about it. And make this year count.

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