Sunday, January 19, 2014

To Bolivia and back-forever changed.

This is Neymar.  His parents travelled with us-his dad was the bus driver! (*aren't bolivian babies just the cutest???!)

In case you hadn't heard-or if you wondered we all made it back from Bolivia.  Definitely a great time with some really neat folks.  I'll be posting things to the TEAM blog, so keep checking there for pictures, reflections from team members and maybe even a video or two...
I was so blessed by the group of young people who are excited to know the Lord and serve Him--even when they felt miserable or the work was less than glamourous.  The weather was much rainier than usual and so we had a smaller turnout (some kids walk very far, but due to rain and flooded rivers they couldn't make it).  But we definitely enjoyed the ones we did get to see!  I will write more soon! 
Here's our team. 

Before we loaded the bus for Potosi. 
During.  This was the last village we stayed in before showering!!!
After.  This is us at the airport with a few visitors from previous trips.  Eliana and her son Jesus travelled with us last year (far left), Edwin far left sitting on floor was my first patient ever, and Waldo (far left holding Jesus) is the dentist/clown that travelled with us for the first 4 trips. 

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